Municipal taxes (BsGW)
BsGW imposes municipal and water board taxes on its residents on behalf of the Municipality and the Water Board.
These taxes include the use of the sewer, weekly collection of waste and purification of the used water. The assessments for these taxes are usually sent around February / March. Below you will find more information about these assessments, submitting an objection and how you can apply for remission.

What is your question ?
If you rent a non self-contained accommodation (student room) or live in a 'group house’ the assessment will often be sent to the owner of the property. The owner is entitled to charge part of the costs (user charges) to the tenants (users). Not every owner will actually pass on these costs to the tenants but if the owner chooses to forward these costs you are unfortunately obliged to pay them.
As a tenant of an independent accommodation (apartment, studio, etc.) the assessment will be sent to you personally each year, you are also responsible for paying these taxes to the BsGW.
If you believe that the assessment should be addressed to someone else (for example to the owner of the building or to another resident) you should contact the BsGW and submit an objection to this assessment. Please note that submitting an objection does not grant a postponement of payment.
Kwijtschelding aanvragen (enkel voor zelfstandige woonruimtes)
Kwijtschelding kunt u aanvragen op basis van onvermogen (indien u weinig verdiend en weinig vermogen heeft). Om hiervoor in aanmerking te komen moet u een aantal formulieren invullen, welke u kunt aanvragen op de website van BsGW.
Houdt er rekening mee dat de persoon aan wie de aanslag gericht is ook verantwoordelijk is voor de betalingen aan BsGW. Aangezien BsGW een vrij streng incasso beleid hanteert, adviseren wij u om tijdig te betalen, kwijtschelding aan te vragen of bezwaar in te dienen om onnodige verhogingen en boetes te voorkomen.
You can apply for remission on the basis of inability (if you earn little and have little assets). To qualify for this, you must complete a number of forms which can be requested on the BsGW’s website.
Please note that the person to whom the assessment is addressed is also responsible for payments to the BsGW. Since the BsGW has a fairly strict collection policy we advise you to pay, request a waiver or submit an objection on time to avoid unnecessary increases and fines.